frequently asked questions |
How many people live at Community House? Community House accommodates up to eight adult residents with physical disabilities. |
Do I have to pay rent? Yes. We are a HUD (Housing and Urban Development) facility. Your TTP (Total Tenant Payment) or rent is 30% of the adjusted monthly income according to guidlines set by HUD. In addition to your rent, there is a non-utility fee which covers the cost of food, some janitorial supplies and a few operational costs. The cost for in room cable is $7 per month for a double room and $12 per month for a single room. Cable is provided in the common area of the home at no extra charge to the resident. |
Can I have a pet? We are limited to one cat. |
Is Community House licensed? Yes. We are licensed by the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) as a class B boarding home. Our residence is ADA compliant (American Disabilities Act). |
How do I become a resident? You must be an adult, 18 years or older, with a chronic physical disability and are of very low income according to income limits set by HUD. Print out the application on this site. Answer all the questions, have your physician complete and sign the medical clearance form,sign and date all sections where indicated and return to Community House at 124 Bentley Avenue, Old Bridge, New Jersey 08857. You will be contacted once your completed application is received and the case manager will then guide you through the process. |
Can I visit Community House before I apply? No.We consider Community House to be the "home" of the residents. Therefore we require a completed application before you visit. Once your application is received and reveiwed you will be invited to tour the home and meet with the other residents. |
What services does Community House offer? We offer case management services. Our full time case manager is available Monday through Friday 9AM to 5PM. She will be able to link you with needed services and assist you in furthering your independence. |